Yetunde Schuhmann

“Leslie Lum was a tremendous help during my 9 week campaign for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Man & Woman of the Year campaign 2007. She was on my steering committee for several events such as the La Fete de la Musique event on Maiden Lane and the 5 Designers and a Poodle fashion show. She helped us to promote the events in San Francisco. Her work contributed to our getting the 5 Designers and a Poodle fashion show photos published in the San Francisco Chronicle’s SF iS paper with editorial coverage and local media recognition of the newly created Innovative Fashion Council San Francisco (IFCSF) by the SF Chronicle. The IFCSF recently received great coverage in the San Francisco Chronicle’s Sunday Style Section. Leslie’s work has been invaluable and she has been and continues to be a strong supporter in my community fashion endeavors.”

Yetunde Schuhmann
President, Innovative Fashion Council San Francisco

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